Wip: Paranormal Shit, Sexy Times, and Having Fun

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So… partially because I’m out of blog post ideas, partially because I’m excited, I’m going to talk about the current work-in-progress.

So...what's been going through the head of Bambi Quim lately?
So…what’s been going through the head of Bambi Quim lately?

Answer: paranormal erotica thought cloud Inspired by a Jezebel article about a Paranormal dating site, my anthology features stories about some of the people who might use such a site. I am really having fun writing these stories, which merge my love of romance, sex, and the supernatural. If you check my Goodreads page, you will notice that I read a lot of Christopher Pike and L.J. Smith as a teenager, the latter of whose writing I described as “supernatural horror romance books.” The world is a crazy, scary place, and the idea of the potential for something more than is readily apparent can be appealing and scary.

See your future... if you dare!
See your future… if you dare!

So far, I have a story about a werewolf, a witch, and am working on one involving poltergeists.

3 stories from paranormal dating

I have a few other stories percolating in my coffeemaker of a brain, but am mainly trying to enjoy my writing time.

Enjoying my writing the way some people enjoy a sunset
Enjoying my writing the way some people enjoy a sunset

When is the last time you wrote something that you truly enjoyed writing? Were you happy with the results? Or do you want to talk about the paranormal? Please comment below!

One thought on “Wip: Paranormal Shit, Sexy Times, and Having Fun

    Because everyone else is doing it… « Bambi Quim said:
    September 8, 2015 at 12:05 pm

    […] series, which features a medium and (surprise!) ghosts and such. Since I have a thing for the paranormal, and I was a fan of the way Laurie handled a psychic P.I. in her other series, I was psyched for a […]


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